What's The Point? Taking the Forrest Gump Approach
People ask me often some form of: What’s your end game/goal/vision with Chapter 3 Stigma? What’s the point?
I have thought often on that question. This entire project started while sitting in a sauna deep in thought after Lucy passed away. I reflected back on the years of struggle, my first 86 days in recovery and the time that followed until her passing on December 27th, 2023. Then there were the days after our loss that brought me to that point in the sauna.
I sat there wondering why I hadn’t crumbled. Why the weight of this situation hadn’t absolutely destroyed myself and my family. Yes, we were still close to the loss of our little girl, but I felt the need to explore the reason why I could go from my lowest point as an alcoholic and feeling that nothing mattered, that life had no purpose to being the husband, father, son and brother that I was capable of being through Lucy’s life.
Such a transformation cannot be luck.
So I started exploring, I started thinking, I started sharing and I started writing. I started my run.
I never expected a crowd to form and start following. I wrote this for myself. I challenged myself to do the exact opposite of what had put me through my own self created hell, so I shared and I shared honestly. I told my story as truthfully as I could, hiding nothing. And the effects have stunned me.
I am finding a lot of joy and purpose in sharing my story to allow other people struggling the chance to connect with my thought patterns, behaviors and self-perception. Just yesterday, I had a co-worker ask, ‘can I share your stuff with a friend of mine who is struggling right now?’ YES! That’s my hope and vision for this work.
That being said, when the time has come, I’m going to be done. I will continually think of Forrest Gump on his run across America. When his journey was complete and finished he stopped. He didn’t take one forced or unnecessary step forward. I don’t know if it will be three years, two months, 14 days and 16 hours from now and I don’t care to know the timeline, but when I feel the body of work is complete, it will end.
What has been written and created will always be here for those struggling with addiction, anxiety, depression and lack of purpose. That promise I will keep, it’s a minuscule cost to maintain a website and podcast feed and that is how the work can keep living on and continue helping others.
Today I’m still on my run. Today I trudge on.
Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give freely of what you find and join us. We shall be with you in the fellowship of the spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny.
May God bless you and keep you - until then.
-Alcoholics Anonymous pg. 164 “A Vision for You”
That’s all I’ve got. Thanks for reading.
Kyle Zibrowski